What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a group of markup symbols or codes which are inserted into a file intended for display on to the World Wide Web browsers. HTML is used to define the structure and layout of the web document by using the variety of tags and attributes.

As we know that there are number of tags which comes in pairs, but there are several tags which has no pair, in other words- these types of unpaired tags has only a starting tag and no end tag is present for these unpaired tags. The right or good structure for an HTML document starts with the <html> followed by <head> tag –the <head> tag is used to define the header of any html document- and then we insert <title> tag inside the <head> tag, <title> tag is used to define the title of the document which will show up at the title bar of the browser- then close the title tag and then close the head tag. Now, insert <body> where you have to write the entire content or body of the web page, and now close the </body> and then at last close the </html>.

The html tells the web browser that how to display a web page's images and texts for the user. In fact the HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup language, and in other words, we can say that html is just like a presentation language. In HTML you are unable to write the programmes such as "if this happens- then do that" which you can do in case of Java, JavaScript, C++, etc. The HTML is a formal recommendation by the World Wide Web consortium (W3C) and is generally adhered by the major browsers, like Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

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