Acronym Tag (< acronym>)

<acronym> Tag

The <acronym> tag is defined as acronym tag. It has both start <acronym> and end </acronym> tags. This <acronym> tag is used to define the acronyms. Acronym means the words like NATO, ASAP, NASA, etc. which are short forms but they are spoken as a word. This kind of words are known as acronyms. In this case, when you mark up the acronyms you are able to give useful information to spell checkers, translation systems, search-engine indexers and browsers. The <acronym> tag is normally supported by all the commonly used browsers like- Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.

The <acronym> tag is supported by some event and standard attributes. These attributes are-

Event attributes supported by the <acronym> tag-

onclickIn this case the script runs on a click of mouse
ondblclickIn this case the script runs on a double click of mouse
onmousedownIn this case the script runs when the mouse button is pressed
onmousemoveIn this case the script runs when the mouse pointer moves over an element
onmouseoutIn this case the script runs when the mouse pointer moves out of an element
onmouseoverIn this case the script runs when the mouse pointer moves over an element
onmouseupIn this case the script runs when the mouse button is released
onkeydownIn this case the script runs when the key is pressed from the keyboard
onkeypressIn this case the script runs when a key is pressed and released from the keyboard
onkeyupIn this case the script runs when the key is released from the keyboard


Standard attributes supported by the <acronym> tag-

classIt is used to specify the classname for an element
dirIt is used to specify the text direction of the content in an element
idIt is used to specify the unique id of an element
langIt is used to specify the language code of the content in an element
styleIt is used to specify an inline style of an element
titleIt is used to specify an extra information about an element



I am student of <acronym title="National Institute of Open Schooling"> NIOS </acronym>



I am student ofNIOS
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