Bi-Directional Override Tag (<bdo>)

bdo tag is known as Bi-Directional Override. Bi-directional override tag has both start <bdo> tag and end </bdo> tag. This tag is used to override the current direction of text. <bdo> tag uses the dir attribute to specify the direction of the text –left to right or right to left- which is inside the <bdo> tag. The <bdo> tag is normally supported by all the commonly used browsers like- Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera Mini, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.

The <bdo> tag is supported by some standard attributes, but it does not support any type of event attributes. These attributes are-

Standard attributes supported by the <bdo> tag-

Attribute Description
class It is used to specify the classname for an element
id It is used to specify the unique id of an element
lang It is used to specify the language code of the content in an element
style It is used to specify an inline style of an element
title It is used to specify an extra information about an element



<bdo dir="ltr"> Here is some text aligned left to right.</bdo>
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