Address Tag (< address>)

This <address> tag is known as address tag. It has both start <address> and end </address> tags. This tag is normally used to define the author or writer or documents' owner's contact information. It is helpful in case if the viewer of the site wants to contact the author or writer or owner of the site. This tag is normally written on to the header or footer of the webpage. The <address> tag is normally supported by all the commonly using browsers like- Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera Mini, Google Chrome, Safari, etc. Commonly the content of the address tag is written in italic form.

The <address> tag is supported by some event and standard attributes. These attributes are-

Event attributes supported by the <address> tag-

Attribute Description
onclick In this case the script runs on a click of mouse
ondblclick In this case the script runs on a double click of mouse
onmousedown In this case the script runs when the mouse button is pressed
onmousemove In this case the script runs when the mouse pointer moves over an element
onmouseout In this case the script runs when the mouse pointer moves out of an element
onmouseover In this case the script runs when the mouse pointer moves over an element
onmouseup In this case the script runs when the mouse button is released
onkeydown In this case the script runs when the key is pressed from the keyboard
onkeypress In this case the script runs when a key is pressed and released from the keyboard
onkeyup In this case the script runs when the key is released from the keyboard


Standard attributes supported by the <address> tag-

Attribute Description
class It is used to specify the classname for an element
dir It is used to specify the text direction of the content in an element
id It is used to specify the unique id of an element
lang It is used to specify the language code of the content in an element
style It is used to specify an inline style of an element
title It is used to specify an extra information about an element




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<a href="">Email us</a> <br>
Postal Address: Box 2009, Miami<br>
Contact on: +91 011 123 456 789



Written by
Email us
Postal Address: Box 2009, Miami
Contact on: +91 011 123 456 789
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